Archive for January, 2011

January 13, 2011


I am currently organizing  SEPUBLICA May 29 or 30 2011, at ESWC (May 29 to June 2). Hersonissos, Crete, Greece.

SEPUBLICA is an Extended Semantic Web Conference workshop. The mission of the SEPUBLICA workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners dealing with different aspects of semantic technologies in the publishing industry. How is the SW impacting the publishing industry? How is our experience of publications changing because of SW technologies being applied to the publishing industry?

  • What does a network of truly interconnected papers look like? How could interoperability across documents be enabled?
  • How could concept-centric social networks emerge?
  • Are blogs and wikis new means for scholarly communication?
  • What lessons can be learned from humanities and social science publishers (i.e. going beyond scientific publishing towards scholarly publishing)?
  • How could we move beyond the PDF? How can we embed and link semantics in EPUB and other e-book formats?
  • How are digital libraries related to semantic e-science? What is the relationship between a paper and its digital library?
  • How could we realize a paper with an API?  How could we have a paper as a database, as a knowledge base?
  • How is the paper an interface, gateway, to the web of data? How could such and interface be delivered in a contextual manner?
  • How could RDF(a) and ontologies be used to represent the knowledge encoded in scientific documents and in general-interest media publications?
  • What ontologies do we need for representing structural elements in a document?
  • How can we capture the semantics of rhetorical structures in scholarly communication, and of  hypotheses and scientific evidence?
  • How to add semantics to standards such as ePUB.
  • Open Laboratory Notebooks as interrelated documents fully connected to the Web
  • RDF and Semantic Web technology in Open Laboratory Notebooks
January 13, 2011

Dan Conover and the new Journalism

Dan Conover, illustrates the relevance of the topic in a very clear manner:

“Imagine a global economy in which every piece of information is linked directly to its meaning and origin. …  Imagine companies that get paid for the information they generate or collect based on its value to end users, rather than on the transitory attention it generates as it passes across a screen before disappearing into oblivion. … Now imagine copyright and intellectual property laws that give us practical ways of tracing the value of original contributions and collecting and distributing marginal payments across vast scales.”